Thursday 6 November 2014

An Interesting Concept

   Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz has a suggestion for jobless university grads looking to beef up their resume's: Work for free. What he's suggesting is young Canadians and others struggling to find work should acquire more experience through unpaid internships or volunteering until the country's hobbled job market picks up. He says doing that would allow them to gain experience in the field they hope to enter.
   Needless to say, reaction to this has been mostly negative, with advocates for young workers leading the charge against the suggestion. They argue that not all young grads "live in their parents basement rent free", and need to be paid to simply live.
   This all comes as a new survey shows 20 per cent of part-time workers are looking in vain for a full-time job, while the average length of an unemployment spell is now 21 weeks. Youth unemployment is running at over 13%.
   So, while this is an interesting concept, in reality (in my humble opinion) it simply won't work.


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