Friday 31 October 2014

Halloween Is Here

   And as promised, I tried to go all out. Or, in this case, all outback! I came in "Aussie" this morning, complete with the corked hat, "tube" of "beer", shrimp on the Barbie (actually a lobster. She said she was from Sydney, but I didn't know she meant the one in Nova Scotia) and my didgeridoo. Which I can actually play. Sort of. I practised for 6 weeks, and can at least get the correct sounds out of it.
   I also brought in some "bush tucker" (actually Halloween treats) for my morning show matey Danny Ismond and mid-day host Tonya Cherry. There was even enough left over to drop some off at our sister station, Dingo.....sorry....Fox 94.2 FM!
   So, the question now is "what do I do for next year?" I'm thinking me and the other Craig should put our heads together and try to cobble something together. We've at least got a year to figure it out.
   I've already done something for Robbie Burns and St. Paddy's days, so I guess the next one is Valentines. I wonder where I can get an over sized diaper. And vastly over sized wings? Well, I've at least got a few months to think of something.
   Happy Halloween, and don't eat too many treats tonight!


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