Friday 14 November 2014

Isn't It A Little Early?

   I've been hearing it in stores the past few days. Christmas music has started blaring out of speakers as retailers gear up for the "golden quarter" going in to the festive season.
   Maybe it's the Scrooge in me speaking, but I think it's way to early yet to "bombard" shoppers with it. We just had Remembrance Day this week, and maybe the stores should have put it off until next week at the earliest.
   Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the festive season, and am looking forward to spending Christmas with my family. But after almost 35 years working in radio, I've become, perhaps, a little jaded when it comes to the seasonal music. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, I just happen to think starting it in mid November is "jumping the gun" a little.
   At least, that's my opinion.


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