Monday 24 November 2014

Somewhat Back To Normal

   Whatever the bug was that bit me sure bit hard. I haven't felt as poorly as I did the past week in well over a year. And while I'm 100% better that I was a week ago, I'm still nowhere near 100%.
   I also learned more about myself with this latest bout with a cold or flu or whatever. I'm not "superman". Not by a long shot. I kept coming in to work last week when I should have stayed at home with a jug of O.J and a big vat of chicken soup and watched TV.
   But no. Like an idiot, I decided I'd be fine to come in for at least a few hours a day and at least do the morning news run. How I made it, I'm not sure. I think I was running on instinct more than anything else.
   Not only did my coming in to the office delay my recovery, but in doing so I also needlessly put my co-workers at risk of getting this bug.
   I'll say this right now: If I ever fell that bad again, I will not be coming in to work. Period.


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