Monday 10 November 2014


   Tomorrow is November 11th. And at the 11th hour, we should all pause for 2 minutes silence to remember those who fell in World War I, World War ll, Korea, Afghanistan, and wherever Canadians have fought and died. It's been 96 years since the end of the "Great War", and ceremonies were held earlier this year to mark the 100th anniversary of its start.
   As is tradition in my household, both my wife and I bought poppies, since both our dads saw service in World War II. I'm also proud to say both our sons also have a great deal of respect for Canada's vets.
   It's estimated between 56 and 65 thousand Canadian military personnel were killed in "The War to End All Wars" between 1915 when the first contingent arrived in France and Armistice Day. 45 thousand more gave the ultimate sacrifice in World War II.
   In London, England, officials have been adding ceramic poppies to a very moving display that surrounds the Tower of London
   When all is said and done, more than 888 thousand will be there, with each representing a Commonwealth or British death during the war. In my opinion, it's a fitting tribute.
   Please take 2 minutes of your time tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m no matter where you are and remember the fallen from all conflicts.


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