Wednesday 5 November 2014

Happy Donut Day!

   And thanks to GX94 morning man Danny Ismond for bringing this to my attention. Darn shame he didn't bring any in for us this morning. Oh well. He also asked the question "what's your favourite kind". For me, the answer was simple: Chocolate. I said "was", because Danny chimed in "what about Boston Creme?", which is also a favourite. As are apple fritters, crullers, and good old honey dipped.
   This had me thinking back to my youth (so many years ago), when we had a K-Mart in the neighborhood. In that K-Mart was a donut making machine
   Which spat out hot, fresh donuts you could buy as a single, half dozen or dozen. If memory serves, you didn't have the choices you get these days. It was basically deep-fried dough fed from the hopper into the oil. There was a device for turning them over about half-way along the conveyor, then the final hopper for the finished product. Which was then either dipped in sugar or had powdered sugar dusted on them.
   Homer Simpson would likely approve!


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