Friday 28 November 2014

Out Like A Lion

   That's pretty much how November will be going out this year. Snowfall warnings are up for a swath of central Saskatchewan, Alberta and even into western Manitoba. And we could get quite a bit, possibly 25 cm (10 inches) by the time the system tracking in from the Pacific moves off.
   I spoke with Environment Canada earlier this morning, and even then Edmonton had been slapped with 30 cm, or a foot.
 And the wind will also create havoc on the highways, with swirling, blowing and drifting snow and reduced visibility in some areas. Generally, it's not going to be very nice weather-wise for the next 24 hours or so.
   I have my own terminology for days like these. I call them "plane" days. A plane to Hawaii. A plane to Cancun. A plane top Fiji. You get the idea.
   And even though winter doesn't officially start for another few weeks, I'm ready for spring.


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