Thursday 9 October 2014

Hockey's Back

   The 2014-15 NHL regular season did get underway Wednesday night. I just wish I could care a little more than I do. Not to say I hate hockey, far from it. But it's my somewhat humble view the season simply goes on much longer than necessary.
   Putting it in perspective: If a woman got pregnant last night, chances are she would likely have the baby before the Stanley Cup is hoisted, especially if the final series went 7 games.
   That's 9 months of hockey which, if you're a die-hard fan, is not a bad thing. I don't happen to be as die hard as some fans out there. I don't wear my teams jersey. I rarely watch games on TV. But then again, I rarely even watch TV to begin with.
   At the same time, I totally understand how people get wrapped up in their team, and can talk at great length about statistics, plus/minus numbers etc. And I'll also admit I do get more excited when the playoffs arrive. Even though my team hasn't made it in years.
   But I also think the season does drag on. I mean, when a woman can get pregnant at the start of the regular season and can (statistically) give birth before the end of the playoffs, that may be a bit lengthy.
   Unless you're a die-hard fan. And if you are, I hope your team does well this season, and makes the playoffs. Mine likely won't.


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