Monday 27 October 2014

Hallowe'en Is Coming

   And this year, I've had time to prepare. Staff at the station I work for are encouraged to don costumes for Hallowe'en, and after last year, when I didn't have time to prepare, what I've got cooked up is the result of a year's planning.
   I'm not going into detail, but there will be music (I've been learning to play an instrument over the past 6 weeks, and can now get it to make more or less the proper sounds). There will also be food, and I plan on coming in "corked". There may also be some comedy involved
   That's about all I'm willing to say at this point, other than the fact I'm going to need a back-pack to bring everything in on Friday.
   Is this going to be scary? Only if you hear me try and play the instrument. I also have no illusions about winning the "contest" to see who has the best costume. I can say with almost absolute certainty I have no chance in hell of that happening.
   Last year (and with very little planning) I came in as a Zombie News Reader:
   This year, I'm coming as something a lot more alive.
   All will be revealed Friday! Mwaaahaahaa!!!!


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