Thursday 23 October 2014

The Aftermath (Edited)

   You probably all know by now what happened in Ottawa on Parliament Hill yesterday. A lone man with a gun shot and killed an honour guard at the National War Memorial before running into Centre Block where he was shot and killed by the Sergeant At Arms, a former RCMP member with 29 years on the force. Some reports I've seen suggest as many as 50 shots were fired before the gunman was killed.
   Needless to say, the events have prompted (and rightly so) a complete review of security, not just in the nation's capital, but in all government buildings. In Saskatchewan, extra security and police sweeps were done ahead of the Throne Speech opening the fall session of the legislature yesterday. Events which were to have been held outdoors for the occasion were either moved inside, or scrubbed altogether. Security was also boosted in other provincial capitals, and at government buildings across the country. Flags at government buildings are also flying at half-mast in tribute to the slain soldier, reservist Nathan Cirillo:
(Photo from Nathan Cirillo's facebook page).
   GX94 Morning announcer Danny Ismond brought up a great point. He says "this is the face and name that should be mentioned and remembered not the coward that pulled the trigger". Truer words have never been spoken.
   Reaction, and condolences, have been pouring in from around the world. U.S President Barak Obama expressed his country's solidarity with Canada. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the attack underscores there are threats that all free nations face. The leaders of the 3 main parties in Canada all condemned the attack, adding the country will not bow down to terrorist activity.
   The shootings also prompted the NHL to postpone a hockey game between the Ottawa Senators and Toronto Maple Leafs in Ottawa. And in Pittsburgh, tribute was paid before the game:
   "O Canada" was also sung as part of the game opening ceremony.
   Where do we go from here? As mentioned, there will be a review of this, as officials try to find out how an armed man made it as far into the building as he did before being shot and killed.It goes without saying that security is going to be very tight from now on, as it already is in places like the U.S and Britain. Lessons will be learned.
   One thing is certain: Canada has been changed by this. For better or worse remains to be seen.


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