Friday 10 October 2014

Lets Talk Food

   This is Thanksgiving weekend, and we, like many, will be having the traditional "Big Meal" of turkey and all the trimmings on Sunday. Well, at least my wife and kids will. Turkey does funky things to my digestion, so I'll opt for chicken instead. And for desert: Apple pie, since this is how pumpkin pies are made:
   Speaking of food (and beer), an Italian company has come up with a spreadable beer! The product, Birra Spalmabile, is the brainchild of an Italian chocolatier and an Italian brewer. Supposedly, it spreads like a ganache, and tastes like, well, beer! I guess it's almost an adult version of Nutella, and does contain 40% beer:
   Do, you can now, literally, have that "barley sandwich" after all! But don't think you'll be able to get a buzz of this. There's no alcohol in it.


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