Tuesday 14 October 2014

Did You Watch?

   I must admit, I'm a fan of the AMC show, and I can thank my wife for getting me hooked. Sunday night was the season 5 premier for the Walking Dead. It was graphic, gruesome and brought in 17.3 million viewers. And for a cable-TV show, that ain't bad!
   In fact ratings company Nielsen says it set a record for the number of viewers on a cable network for a non-sports program. It also scored the highest number of viewers between 18 and 49 (advertisers consider that age demographic the most valuable), which beat every other scripted TV show so far this season.
   So, why the impact? What draws viewers in?
   It simply boils down (in my opinion) to writing, shooting and editing. The story lines, especially Sunday's, leave you with an 'edge of the seat' sensation you simply don't find in a lot of dramas these days. Even the level and intensity of the violence, which as mentioned is gruesome and graphic (and some would say "gratuitous") is almost needed to make the plot lines complete.
   It is not a show for the squeamish.
   Will I, along with at least 17.3 million others, keep watching? The short answer is "yes", because the storytelling is such that, if you get hooked on this show, you need to find out what's happening.


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