Friday 3 October 2014

Winter Is Coming

   And we didn't need the fictional Stark family from the series Game of Thrones to figure that out this morning. That's what I had on the car when I set out for work this morning, Friday, October 3rd. Admittedly, that can't even be called a 'trace', let alone a 'skiff' or even a 'dusting'. But it's enough for me to once again "thank" one of my grand-fathers for not following his brother to Australia when he had the chance, but came to Canada instead.
   It's also true that what you see on my car can't compare with the storm that hit Alberta last month. I know I really shouldn't complain, but I'm going to anyhow. Last Friday, we were basking in 30 degree heat. This morning, it got down to -6. We went from summer to winter without the benefit of fall.
   I've lived in many parts of Canada, as my career has taken me to places like Peace River, Alberta to Thunder Bay, Ontario and now to Yorkton, Saskatchewan. I'm older, and tired of scraping ice off the car. I'm tired of shoveling snow off my sidewalk. I'm sick and tired of having to put layer after layer after layer of clothes on for months on end. I'm sick to death of hearing about "Polar Vortexes".
   I know winter, at least in the parts of the county I've lived in, is an inevitable certainty. We can't escape it (other that the odd trip to Cuba or Bermuda or Hawaii) even living in Calgary when those warm Chinook winds roll through giving temporary relief. I'm just not ready for it yet. At least not October 3rd.


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