Monday 20 October 2014

How's Your Driving?

   I admit it. I'm not the best driver out there. But I'm also far from the worst, and a question morning man Danny Ismond asked today sparked a lot of comment and debate. Basically, he wanted to find out what drives people nuts about other drivers?
   It was not an easy question to answer, either, since there are a few "pet peeves" I have about others who share the road with me. Driving too slow is one of them. I've seen people going 20 k/mh below the posted limit (usually when I'm stuck behind them) both in the city and on the highway. And since we don't have a 4-lane divided highway in and out of the city, it's quite a problem, especially when it comes to passing.
   True, there are passing lanes on highway 10 between Fort Qu'Appelle and Balgonie, but none anywhere else. Since I'm in the mood to make admissions, I might as well own up to these. I've been known to hurl a few colourful epithets, not to mention a wagging finger or 2, at other drivers. Especially those who don't go the speed limit.
   That also applies to drivers who don't move over to the right in the above mentioned passing zones after they've passed another vehicle. And especially to those who overtake, then slow down to 80 or 90 in a 100 zone!
   Maybe it's time for the provincial government to test drivers every 5 years, regardless of how long they've been behind the wheel. Would I pass? Right now, honestly, I'd have to say "maybe", but not definitely "yes" or "no".
   Guess I'd better study the manual again.


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