Monday 6 October 2014

Good Morning

   There are certain benefits of having to get up before 4:00 a.m every day. This is one of them. A glorious sunrise starting to break over Yorkton this morning. Other benefits of getting into the office before 4:30: Getting out of the office just after noon. Having the rest of the day to myself to do whatever I want. Surf the 'net. Cook dinner for my wife and myself. Take the occasional nap.
   But it's not always roses. Sleeping in these days means getting up at 6:00 a.m Saturday and Sunday, when I'd like to still be in bed by 7:00. Having to go to bed before 9:00 p.m, especially in the summer when the sun is still shining. And in the winter it's hard getting around after a storm, since city crews are still hard at it clearing the streets.
   On balance, though, I'll stick with getting up early. It's nice to have sunrises like this almost every morning.


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