Friday 5 September 2014

You're Toast!

   Well, you can be if you've got 75 bucks U.S, a high quality picture of yourself and a week or so to wait.
   A company in Vermont uses a high tech plasma cutter to make plates with the image burned on them, which then go into the toaster. Which then toasts bread with the image right there. The idea itself isn't new. In fact, the Vermont Novelty Toaster Company got rolling 4 years ago with Jesus toast, after people began claiming to have seen His image on their breakfast food.
   The next logical step was to marry the technology with the "selfie" trend, and viola! Selfie toast. Apparently, you can have one image per bread slot, so a "his and her" design is do-able. But there's one huge point here. The images can't be changed, unless you want to fork over another 75 beans for another toaster. That means you can't take any picture and use it, which is probably just as well. It means no "compromising" toast first thing in the morning, and no downloading images of your boss to put the bite on him or her. It also means your toaster can't be "hacked" and images stolen and downloaded to the 'net.
   Will I buy one? The short answer is "no". I've got better things to spend 75 dollars on. That, and the fact I rarely even have toast.


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