Tuesday 16 September 2014

This Seems A Little Obvious

   I believe I said this last year, but I love the fall. The crunch of leaves when you walk through them, and the spicy smell in the air. I don't even mind it getting cooler (so long as we don't get snowfalls like they had in Calgary recently). You can really tell this time of year that fall is in the air.
   Which is why something I saw on the Weather Network recently kind of took me by surprise. They did a one minute segment on "The Top 5 Signs of Fall". I'm not making any of these up either. Number 5: Frost. According to the reporter, frost "generally happens overnight when the temperature dips down to the freezing mark". 4: Geese. "We see them hanging around all summer, and then one day you look up in the sky and there they are, flying as far south as Florida." 3: Shorter days. "We all notice it when the sun starts setting earlier and earlier each night, and eventually we're eating dinner in the dark." 2: Hurricanes, with September being the busiest month for tropical storms. And the number 1 sign Fall is rapidly approaching: The leaves start changing colour.
  I'm sorry if this sounds a little cynical, but unless you've just moved here from a part of the world where seasons don't change, these are all self evident. Even obvious.
   And if you were wondering, fall officially arrives September 23rd.


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