Wednesday 10 September 2014

Glad I'm Not In Calgary

   And this photo an old junior high school buddy posted on facebook is pretty much self-explanatory. Not only did parts of Alberta get buried by 5, 10 or 15 cm of snow yesterday, but a heavy snowfall warning is in place again today. The good news is this will all melt rapidly, but it's still a mess.
   Snow in September in Calgary isn't a freakish occurrence, but it's not unheard of. There was one year when I was growing up there it snowed not only in September, but August, July, June and May. In fact, we had snow in every single month of that year. We even got pictures of our backyard, and you could see tree branches bent right to the ground. We had to knock the snow off to keep them from snapping.
   And while Old Man Winter has made an unwelcome early visit, let's not forget Calgary does get a reprieve in the form of warm Chinook winds in the winter. Example: Our wedding day in mid-February, 1983. It was about 15 Celsius, there was no snow, we didn't need winter coats and the roads were bone dry.
   So they do get a mixed blessing there, for sure.
   I just hope they keep all the Alberta Clippers safely moored for a while yet, and don't let those storm systems sail eastward.
   And thanks Keith for sharing the picture.


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