Tuesday 2 September 2014

Back In The Saddle Again

   It's true. I'm back. I had a wonderful vacation, took a couple of day trips to Regina, and accomplished what I set out to do way back on August 15th. Which was relax. I also got lazy, not getting up until 6:00 a.m almost every day. I'm usually up about 3:45 when I'm working.
   I also managed to injure my right knee in a rather stupid and pointless accident at home which, for the sake of brevity, I will not get into. Suffice it to say I was hobbling for a few days, putting undue pressure on my left knee, which has also sprung a bit. Compounding everything is the fact there's 15 stairs to climb between our living room and bedroom. Ouch!
   And I'll be honest here. As great as it was to get away for more than 2 weeks, it's also nice to be back at work. I think I've stated in this blog before that I'm fortunate in that I have a job I enjoy, making me very lucky. A lot of people have jobs they loathe.
   I'm also looking forward to the fall sessions of "Supper in the Field", even though my attendance record is not perfect anymore. I missed the first event last Wednesday. But hey! I was on vacation, and there are still 5 more to go in the fall session. I'm hoping to get into a combine again. Maybe even a swather!
   Anyway, it's great to be back and blogging again!


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