Tuesday 2 September 2014


   Jennifer Lawrence has become the latest celebrity to have her phone hacked, and nude pictures of her downloaded onto the internet. Quite rightly, she's upset about it, and the FBI is investigating to see who hacked her phone over the weekend. She claims the images were stolen, and downloading them onto the 'net is a violation of privacy. I happen to agree with her, but I also don't have much sympathy. In this day and age, even someone as technologically inept as myself knows that what you have on your device could (and in this case did) become a target for hackers. Especially when you're someone famous.
   So, what's to be done? In cases like Ms. Lawrence, find the perpetrator, lay charges and hope for a conviction. As for better security on personal devices, it's been said hackers are always one step ahead, so even with better security it's still a matter of time before someone gets hacked.
   But there's also a better, more self controlled way of avoiding such an unpleasant experience. Simply stop taking and storing compromising pictures of yourself to begin with! With hack attacks becoming more frequent, you'd think that would be self evident.


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