Wednesday 3 September 2014

Lest We Forget

   2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning or World War I. But it's also the 75th anniversary of the start of World War II. It was September 1st, 1939 Nazi forces invaded Poland. Two days later, France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany. Canada's declaration of war came a week after that, on September 10th.
   By the time the war finally ended 6 years later with the surrender of the Japanese military in September, 1945, 45,400 Canadian military personnel had laid down their lives. In total, between 60 and 85 million military and civilian deaths were recorded.
   The cost in military deaths for Canada in both wars ranges between 102 and 112 thousand. 150 thousand more were wounded in World War I, and another 60 thousand or more in World War II. Not including Newfoundland, which didn't join Canada until 1949. There were 1204 deaths in World War I, with the numbers from World War II included in British casualties It's those soldiers, sailors and airmen we should all pause to remember each November 11th at 11:00 a.m.


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