Tuesday 16 September 2014

Happy Birthday, Riley King

   Riley B "BB" King is 89 years old today. One of the mainstays of the blues, King is also one of the main reasons that genre of music continues to be popular. He's also been listed as an influence on quite a few guitar players, and continues to influence others as well.
   His style is unique, and to my ears very rich and easy to listen to. As for his voice: The word "powerful" comes to mind. We saw him when he was in Regina a few years back. and even at age 85 he was great. Age may have slowed his fingers a bit, but that voice belting out those tunes was incredible!
   He's recorded with some of the other greatest musicians in the world, including Eric Clapton, Bobby Blue, Willie Nelson and others. King lists Frank Sinatra as his favorite singer, and T-Bone Walker as his main influence for playing.
   Happy 89th BB.


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