Tuesday 7 January 2014

Polar Vortex

   That's what's been gripping most of the continent over the past few weeks. A huge dome of extremely frigid Arctic air has been hovering over us, bringing very cold temperatures and dangerous windchills.
   And it's not just Saskatchewan and Manitoba suffering either. Ontario, Quebec and many parts of the States are also shivering. In Chicago yesterday, a new record of -26 was set, making it the coldest January 6th on record.
   Even in places like Georgia and other Southern states, it's been cold.
   But what exactly is a Polar Vortex? Believe it or not, it's basically a cyclone over both polar regions. In the north, there are two main areas where they form. One in Siberia, the other over Baffin Island. That's the one responsible for the recent cold snap we've been having. And these things are huge, spanning anywhere from 1 to 2 thousand kilometers.
   For Saskatchewan, things will gradually improve, with highs in the -5 range expected later this week. Of course, that means snow, which I think is preferable to the bone numbing cold we've had.


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