Wednesday 8 January 2014

Flu Season Continues

   And in Saskatchewan, so far, the H1N1 strain is thought to have been a contributing factor in the deaths of 6 people. As of Monday, Saskatchewan Health also reports 18 people are in intensive care units while there are 336 lab confirmed cases of the flu so far.
   Health officials also remind people it's not too late to get a flu shot, and in the Sunrise region there will be several clinics running a little later this month. But I, for one, will not be getting the jab.
   I have never had the flu shot, and frankly I don't see the benefit. I don't get sick that often, and when I do, I usually manage to fight it off quickly. That said, there have been times I've been down with a whammer for weeks on end. Most recently, in November of last year when I probably did have the flu.
   Not that I'm suggesting no-one should get the shot, far from it. My sister and mother both got their shots, and both say it helped them avoid the bug. That actually echo's what a lot of people I know who had the jab say.
   But there are not a few others who've told me they got no benefit from it, and in fact got sicker than they would have if they hadn't had it.
   Again, though, it comes down to a personal choice, and I chose not to.


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