Friday 17 January 2014

Hollywood Passings

   Two actors who were in TV shows, along with a Munchkin from the film "The Wizard of Oz" have all passed away.
   Russell Johnson:
   Was known for his role as "The Professor" on the 1960's show "Gilligan's Island". And he regretted ever taking the role. In an interview several years ago, Johnson, who was 89, said his career took a turn, and never got back on the right track because of it.
   Dave Madden:
   Portrayed the manager on "The Partridge Family", a hit TV show in the 1970's about a musical family, who Madden's character helps make a song recorded in the family garage a top 40 hit. Madden was 82
   Finally, the last female Munchkin from tje 1939 classic film "The Wizard of Oz" has died.
   Ruth Robinson Duccini was 95 years old. Her death leaves just one of the little people who were in the movie alive..93-year-old Jerry Maren. There were 124 Munchkins in the movie.


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