Monday 28 March 2016

The Final Countdown

   Hope you all had a Happy Easter this past weekend, filled with family and friends (not to forget the good food, either). But it's now Monday, and we're back at it.
   Today also marks the start of the final week of the 27 day campaign leading up to the Saskatchewan election next Monday.
   It is the "final push" as party leaders and candidates struggle to gain support, and get people out to the polls. I've been lucky so far, in that just one of the candidates in my riding (at least so far) has called me seeking my vote. I told the campaign worker for the party in question the same thing I tell each and every campaign worker/candidate in any election: No thank you. And I mean ALL parties, regardless of political leaning. I guess I've been through far to many campaigns in the news biz, and have become a little jaded when it comes to politics.
   That's not to say I won't vote. In fact, my wife and I will probably go to one of the advance polls this week to avoid the voting day rush. As to which candidate/party will get my nod: Even if the elections act allowed me to say, I wouldn't.


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