Thursday 17 March 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day

   It is March 17th, St. Paddy's Day. It's a day when, Irish or not, everyone gets their "green" on, and celebrates. Usually with green beer.
   For some unknown reason, I did not wear anything green this year. I did in 2014, and this was the result:

   Which was scary, to say the least. Scary,because I'm not a fan of breakfast cereal to begin with, let alone something with marshmallows in funky shapes.
   I might think about doing it again next year, but who knows?
   That's not to say folks around our building didn't take part:
    That's the morning team of Will (r) and Reader (l) from our sister station Fox FM. As you can see, they got into the spirit
   Speaking of spirit, since it is St. Paddy's Day, get a little "Irish" into ye!


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