Tuesday 22 March 2016


   Another home repair project has been completed, although I freely admit it took a good year or more to do it. And it wasn't really that difficult in the end, either. Way back on December 2 last year, I blogged about finally finishing wiring up a lamp that had been sitting on my bedside table for 6 months. At that time, I also mentioned we had a towel rack in the bathroom that needed attention:
   It had been coming loose almost on the day we bought our place here, and (as you can plainly see) needed work. My problem is two-fold. First, I'm not the most attentive, enthusiastic or energetic guy when it comes to around the house projects. Second: I really am clueless when it comes to these things. So, it just hung there next to the tub, getting looser and looser. Until this past weekend, when one of my sons, who does have a clue, did the majority of the work and switched it out for these new ones:

    Not the best pictures, I admit, but you'll see the improvement. Granted, they're not exactly straight (I don't have a level among my meager tool collection), but they're a damn sight better that what we had before.
   And I think this clears the list of home improvement to-do's for now. At least I hope so!


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