Friday 11 March 2016

Change Your Clock This Weekend

   It is time-change weekend, unless you live in places like Saskatchewan, parts of Arizona, Hawaii and several countries around the world including Qatar, United Arab Emirates and several African nations. That means in areas where the time change does take effect, set your clock AHEAD an hour when you go to bed Saturday night.
   I don't think I've made any secret about the fact I have never liked daylight saving time. That goes back to 1971 when I was growing up in Alberta and DST was brought in. I always hated having to get up an hour earlier, and it usually took at least a week for me to adjust.
   Well, there's now a study suggesting "springing forward" may be bad for your health. Finnish researchers noticed an 8% higher rate of strokes in the first 2 days after the time change. At least among cancer patients and patients over 65. They also note the effect vanished a week after the change.
   And while we in Saskatchewan won't physically have to get up an hour earlier come Sunday, there is one benefit of the time change. My favourite T.V shows are all on an hour earlier, which for me is great, since I'm usually in bed by 9:00 p.m.
   And for those who are making the change and feel tired Sunday, take a nap. I do, even though we in Saskatchewan don't touch our clocks.
   And on the bright side, you get that hour back when you "fall off" DST in November.


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