Thursday 24 March 2016

I Don't Think So

   I had an article on the news yesterday about food, something I like quite a bit. But not just any food. It's something being offered as the Atlanta Braves play their final year at Turner Field. Now, I'll admit that when it comes to professional sports, I've lead a sheltered life. Growing up in western Canada, there's zero chance of taking in a major league baseball game. And (much as I hate to admit) despite growing up in Calgary, and living in Regina, I've never been to a CFL game. As for hockey, again, I've never taken in an NHL game.
   Of course a big reason people go is for the food. Morning show host Danny Ismond says he had a pork chop on a stick at a Twins game in Minnesota. But this tops them all:
   It's called a "burgerizza", for obvious reasons. The monstrosity consists of a 20 ounce beef patty, slathered in bacon, with 5 slices of American cheese, all stuffed between 2 8" pepperoni pizzas. It'll run you 26 bucks.
   The first thought I had when I came across this was "no chance in hell". On second thought, I'll admit to being intrigued. There's no chance I'd ever be able to eat even half of one of those, so I'd need to get a few buddies to help out.
   I wonder if that 26 dollar cost covers Maalox?
   Have a Happy Easter long weekend!


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