Friday 1 April 2016

Ready To Rock

   Back in January, I blogged about finishing my guitar build (see "It's Done", January 22). GX94 morning man Danny Ismond wanted me to bring it in to work, so I did yesterday. He even got me chatting about it during our morning conversation.
   As you can see, he also wanted me to "strike a pose" to have something to put on our facebook page. I told him (as I mentioned in my earlier blog post) I was quite a played of 'note' more than 30 years ago. I can still play that note (g), and even remember 1 or 2 more.
   I'm thinking I'll head out on tour sometime in the future, when I get better at playing. Maybe in 10 or 15 years. I'll call it the "Hip Replacement" tour. Judging from my stance, it looks lile I'll need at least one done!
   Happy April!


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