Monday 7 March 2016

Thank You Saskatchewan

   Every year, the Kinsmen and Kinettes of Saskatchewan host a fundraising telethon. Telemiracle raises money for people and families in Saskatchewan with special needs. And as you can plainly see, this was the 40th edition of the fundraiser.
   This year, 5.2 million dollars was raised, easily eclipsing the 4.3 million last year. Over the 40 year history of the event, more than 116 million dollars has been raised. All from a province with a population base of less than 1.5 million.
   Of this year's total, more than 30 thousand dollars was raised by the Kinsmen in Sturgis (population about 620), about 95 km north of Yorkton. They've been running their "Mini-Miracle" for almost 20 years now, and always manage to raise quite a bit of money.
   All this just shows the spirit of community in the province I've lived in for 20 years. It also shows the spirit of giving Saskatchewan residents have become well known for, whether it's an event like Telemiracle or the local Salvation army Red Kettle drive. People always step up to the plate.
   Well done Saskatchewan!


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