Tuesday 15 March 2016

It's A Scam

   You've probably been targeted by emails seeking financial help for one thing or another. It's not unusual to get that kind of spam, looking for an easy mark to scam some money from. But with today's technology, it's rare to get something like that faxed to you. But that's exactly what happened this morning when this came in to our newsroom fax.
   I don't know if you can read it clearly, but it's from a Wang DongJin, supposedly the deputy manager of C N P C (a Chinese refining company) asking for financial support for as Libyan oil purchase.
   I won't bore you with the details, but the scam becomes crystal clear when you read the 2nd last paragraph. It says (and I'm paraphrasing here) the sender claims to be approaching retirement age, and needs to set up a retirement plan for himself. And while he says he's willing to share 50/50 if we agree to work with him, I'm thinking he'll fund his "retirement" package from suckers who send him cash.
   What's the old adage? If it seems too good to believe, it usually is. I will not be sending any money, needless to say, although we did get a good laugh at the low-tech approach the sender took.


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