Thursday 12 March 2015


   Back in January, I blogged about making an effort to reduce my evening intake of unhealthy foods. I'd gotten into the extremely bad habit of eating bad snack foods an hour or so before bedtime. But January 29th, I said "no more" and ditched the peanut M and M's, Bits 'N Bites and the usual can or 2 of non-diet soda to wash things down.
   I've also been trying to eat healthier, giving up things like take-out food and greasy foods, opting instead for things like home-made burgers, chicken, chops and steaks done on the Foreman grill and having cauliflower and broccoli as a lunch.
   The result has seen me lose more than 3 pounds. Not much in the great scheme of things, and not nearly as much as I know I need to lose. But it's a start. And if simply eating better has resulted in my losing that much in just over 2 1/2 months, I can't wait to start walking to see how much more I'll lose. I just have to get motivated, which is tougher for me to do than cut back on things like snacks. Not that I still don't have a nibble now and again, but it's not sugary or salty. If I do feel the need to feed, I'll grab a few rice crackers.
   There is one thing I will NOT be giving up. I like my iced tea in the evening.


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