Friday 20 March 2015

Spring Has Sprung

   It officially arrives at 4:45 Friday afternoon, Saskatchewan time. 6:45 eastern. That's when the sun crosses the equator, meaning equal day and night. From here on in, the days will get longer until the summer solstice, then get shorter again.
   I'm ready for spring this year. It was a brutal winter here in Yorkton, with quite a bit of snow. But at least we didn't have to deal with an endless chain of polar vortexes, plunging temperatures to the low minus 30's for weeks on end.
   Even more ready for spring are people living on the east coast of Canada and the U.S, where record snowfalls of 2 meters have been recorded. So, the last thing they need is more snow, which is what they're in store for this weekend. There are weather statements out for several areas calling for another 15 cm of snow, and possibly heavy rain as well.
   I just hope for their sakes it's a very long, slow melt.


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