Wednesday 4 March 2015

Surprisingly, This Is Not Illegal

   No. That is not the late Leonard Nimoy as Spock on the $5.00 Canadian bill, although it certainly bears a strong resemblance to the famous Star Trek character The bill is real, but someone took a pen to the image of Wilfrid Laurier, who was Canada's 7th Prime Minister from 1896 to 1911, transforming him into the famous Vulcan.
   The Bank of Canada says while it's not illegal to deface or mutilate bank-notes, they discourage the practice.
   The central bank also says any of the $5.00 notes chartered banks get will be withdrawn from circulation and destroyed. Postings of the marked-up banknotes started appearing on social media after Nimoy died last week.
   I rarely, if ever, carry cash with me, so the chances are this is as close to seeing one of the "Spocked-up" bills as I'll ever get.
   Truth to tell, I think the bill looks more like Martin Landau, who played Spock's father in the original Star-Trek series.


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