Tuesday 31 March 2015

Out Like A Lamb

   At least in this part of the country, March is going out like a lamb. We had our share of crummy weather, with snow storms etc. But we're also looking at a high today near 12 C (54 F), and 11 C tomorrow, April 1st.
   It's also Easter weekend, and the weather at times can be cruddy at least one day of the long weekend. This year's no exception, with flurries in the forecast Wednesday night, and again Good Friday. Temperatures will struggle to get above the freezing mark as well.
   Still, the snow we've had here in Yorkton has pretty much all melted, except for some of the bigger piles in parking lots, and the sun is rising earlier and earlier. Now, we just need some April showers to wash away the remnants of the snow, and the mould that goes with it, and get ready for gardening season.


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