Monday 16 March 2015

3rd Time Lucky

   Several years ago, when we were living in Ontario to be exact, we saw a series on baking bread, and one of the recipe's really caught our eye. It was for chocolate bread. Needless to say, it took this long to track down the recipe, even using the researcher's favourite tool Google. But we finally did track it down.
   My wife (who is a wonderful cook and baker) tried a couple of times to make it. The first time, the bread didn't rise, and there was just a doughy mass. The second time she re-hydrated the instant yeast and it did rise, but not fully.
   So this weekend, I had a bash at it. It was the first time I'd made bread in almost 30 years, so I was a little leery about my chances.
   But with a little tweak here, and a little tweak there, I managed to get a good result:
   There are chocolate chips in it, but it's not a sweet bread. In fact, I kind of went overboard with them, because there was no set portion in the recipe. It is a very moist bread, and quite delicious simply with butter, but even more so with strawberry or Saskatoon berry jam.
   Will I be making this again? Without doubt. And I might even post the recipe on this blog later.



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