Friday 6 March 2015

Time To Change Your Clocks

   At least in most parts of the world. It is the weekend most of us "spring ahead" to daylight saving time, officially changing Sunday at 2:00 a.m. Of course, most people will make the change before going to bed Saturday.
   Saskatchewan is one of a few jurisdictions where we don't make the adjustment in spring or fall, even though there have been calls to get on the DST bandwagon for years. Truth to tell, I've never liked the time change. I don't like losing an hour of much needed sleep in the spring (even though we get it back in the fall), and there have been studies suggesting losing that hour disrupts our circadian rhythm, and can actually cause problems for school kids.
   As well, since I'm up before 4:00 a.m weekdays, I'd much rather have the extra hour of daylight in the morning. Not having it at night is also a bonus when I'm trying to get to sleep, even though I still need black-out curtains to get it dark enough.
   I probably shouldn't admit this, but when I was working in Ontario, I always wanted to prank people who called the station to see if this was the weekend for changing clocks. We all know it's "spring forward, fall back". I thought about advising that in spring, you set your clocks BACK an hour. Needless to say, I never EVER did.
   Happy time change!


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