Friday 20 March 2015

Finally, We Get To Choose

   Canada's broadcast regulator, the CRTC, has ruled satellite and cable TV companies must allow we the viewer more freedom to pick and chose the networks we want. They also ruled there will be a "skinny basic" package of channels costing no more than 25 bucks a month. And you won't get much choice in the mandated basic pack, meaning you'll get your local stations plus public interest and educational ones. It will be up us to decide which channel we want, rather than the current practice of bundling, although the CRTC will allow smaller packages to offered by providers.
   It's great news for our household. Currently, we had to subscribe to something like 5 packs just to get the channels we want, meaning there are quite a few specialty networks that never get viewed. That should happen by the end of next year.
   Truth to tell, I only watch 2 or 3 shows regularly, and if they were streamed on the 'Net, I'd probably "cut the cord" like so many people are doing.
   Of course, the question now is cost. Sure, the CRTC has mandated the basic pack at 25 bucks a month, but how much are the cable companies going to charge for pick-and-choose channels? We'll have to wait and see on that.


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