Wednesday 7 January 2015

Another Brutally Cold Day

   Bundling up to go outside today is not an option. Yet again, an extreme cold warning is out for the Saskatchewan side of the listening area, with values hitting -41 and lower in some areas.
   And it gets better.
   There's snow in the forecast tonight, and while it will warm up (to -14), gusty winds will blow it around, causing drifting and reduced visibility in many areas. Then, back to the deep freeze yet again.
   Yeah, I know, it's January on the prairies, and we can expect this kind of weather. But even people I know who enjoy winter are getting a little tired of the bitter cold, since it's keeping them from activities like snowmobiling and ice-fishing.
   At least no one has used the phrase "Polar Vortex" yet. After it was over-used last year, I think I'd snap if I hear it one more time.
   I'll admit it right now, I miss hating the summer heat. And since a warm-weather vacation isn't in the books, I'll just have to dream about a tropical paradise

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