Wednesday 14 January 2015

The Rising Cost Of Stuff

   I just got my latest bank statement on one of my accounts. And lo and behold, they're increasing thresholds and fees! Balances to waive transaction fees are going up 500 bucks, additional transaction fees up .25 cents, NSF fees up 3 bucks and a borderless all-inclusive plan that was free will now cost $1.95. My bank made over 8 BILLION dollars in net income in fiscal 2014. I know banks are businesses, and businesses can't survive without making a profit, but d'you REALLY need the extra money?!? Does anyone else feel they're being gouged?
   And for the record, my bank only pays 2 to 2.5% interest on my deposits.
   And bank fees are not the only things on the rise, either.
   Coke, and main rival Pepsi, are both pushing so-called mini-sodas. These are smaller cans and bottles that contain fewer calories than the regular size. And while that may help you lose weight, your wasitline won't be the only thing slimming down. Your wallet will be as well. Why? Because the mini-drinks cost more than twice as much per ounce than the larger ones. It means even though soda sales aren't as bubbly as they were, profits are still nice and fizzy for the makers
   I'll stick with coffee. Or water.


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