Tuesday 27 January 2015

So Far, So Good

   It was Day 1 of my new regimen yesterday. No snacks, no sticky, sugary sodas. And it went fine. In fact, even though I did get some low-cal, low-fat, no-sugar, low-sodium snacks to munch on, I didn't bother. I just didn't feel the need. Not that I didn't imbibe in one personal favourite: Iced Tea from a well known soft-drink maker. I'm not giving that up, even though I have forgone the 2 cans of root beer that usually followed it.
   Now, I've got to get off my duff and get moving if I hope to actually lose some of the weight I've accumulated over years of snacks, soft drinks and inactivity. Changing eating habits alone will help, yes, but it ain't the be-all and end-all either.
   I have set no goals for myself. When not met, goals lead to disappointment, disappointment leads to failure, failure leads right back to bad eating habits, and bad eating habits will put me right back to square one. Something I do not need.
   I also realize I'm never EVER going to get back to my "fighting" weight, but if I can even drop 25, 30 maybe even 40 pounds I'll consider it "mission accomplished". If that "mission" ever is. Old, bad habits die hard, and I know I'm going to have to watch myself closely so I don't "fall off" the diet wagon.


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