Friday 30 January 2015

January's Over

   As hard as it is to believe, January ends tomorrow, Saturday the 31st. And for some strange reason, it seems to have zipped past pretty quickly. Usually, at least to me, the month seems to drag on, sliding by as slowly as molasses in, well, January.
   But not this year. This year, the month seems to have flown by, and I think it may have something to do with the much milder than normal weather we've had recently. Temperatures have been well above normal, and in fact above freezing at times. That's made the month a lot easier to take. Just go back 12 months to January 2014, when we were all shivering in the deep freeze with polar vortex after polar vortex.
   February, the shortest month of the year, starts Sunday. Not only is groundhog day this Monday, but we're also in for 2 months with a Friday the 13th. February and March. Of course, the best thing about turning over that page on our calendar is simply the fact we're getting closer to the warm-weather months.


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