Monday 26 January 2015

Time For A Change

   I admit it. I love snack foods. In fact, I love them a little too much! I also happen to have a very sedentary lifestyle that sees me sitting at a computer at work for 8 hours, followed by sitting at a computer at home for another 6 to 8.
   It's that last session where the snacks come in. My particular favorite poisons are M and M peanut, and Bit's 'N Bites. Washed down with root beer. And not the diet variety, either. The snacks are now history. I've been putting (more than) a few pounds on since I got to Yorkton more than a year ago. This may sound like an excuse, but I blame part of it on the shift I work, getting into the office about 4:00 A.M, and leaving just after noon.
   A lot of people would say "gee! That's great! You've got the whole afternoon off". And it's true. It IS great. I do have afternoons off. But I haven't exactly been utilizing them well, since I get home, have a usually unhealthy lunch, then plonk down in front of the keyboard once again.
   In a past post, I mused about getting a treadmill or something to get moving. That idea did not pass Finance. At least, not yet. So, I'm going to contact the centre in town that has an indoor walking track to get off my duff and get moving. It's not like I don't have time! And when the snow and ice finally do leave, both of us will be trying to get out for a stroll, rather than sitting down watching the idiot box.
   Will I succeed? I don't know. Will I at least try? Yes. And I'll try and keep you posted on how things are going, good or bad.


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