Wednesday 21 January 2015

Which To Choose?

   It's a tough decision to make. Do I go for an elliptical or treadmill? I've known for quite a while now that I need to get into shape. Or at least some other shape than what I'm in now. I'm to the point where I look either like a pear, a pepper pot, or one of those Russian dolls. And I don't want to look like either anymore.
   I've done a little research, and even asked through Facebook which is better. The responses were just about 50-50, so I guess it's a matter of personal taste.
   The elliptical: These machines are supposedly easier on joints, and since both my knees are bad, this would be a big plus when it comes to jarring. However, my back is also shot, and I'm wondering if the rocking motion, plus the arm movements, wouldn't aggravate that.
   The treadmill: Walking. That's what I'm looking for to start. I've got to face the fact I'll never be in a marathon, and since I have no plans on running, the jarring on the joints would be a lot less. However, these things are a little noisy. But that's off-set by he fact that I'd be using it before my wife gets home from work. (That's a benefit of getting to the office by 4:15 a.m and being finished by 12:15 p.m.)
   Cost: I've priced both out, and there's less than 100 dollars difference between either machine. And since space to put it isn't a problem, either would work.
   Personally, I'm leaning more toward the treadmill, if for no other reason than it's got more space to hang plants and clothes after I suddenly stop using it.


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