Monday 30 September 2019

September's Over

   And it went out like a lion. We got an inch or so (2.5 cm) of snow Sunday, along with rain, a blustery wind and much cooler temperatures. But you won't hear me complaining. At least, not too much, 'cause it could have been worse.
   Parts of Alberta had up to 35 cm, with 60 possible by the time the system moves off. 1.2 meters of the white stuff was expected in other areas, including parts of the U.S. Fortunately, it won't stick around long, even though we could get a few flurries tonight. The forecast calls for a high of 13 Celsius Friday, and sunny skies.
   I'm just glad I hauled the lawnmower down to the basement and covered the A.C while I was at it. My wife also got 97% of her gardening stuff brought in for the winter.
   I know we can get (and have had) snow at the end of September, but I'm still not ready yet.


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