Monday 23 September 2019

Fall Arrives, And Another Project Done

   Fall did officially arrive this morning, at 01:50 here in Yorkton. On the equator, it's 12 hours of daylight, and 12 hours of night.
   And while it's the first day of fall, I did manage to knock an item of the :to-do" list yesterday, the last full day of summer.
   I got the 2nd coat of stain on the back steps of our house. It's not the best job, I admit, and some of the areas are a bit blotchy, but it's done. And as I mentioned in the last blog (at least I think I did), it's the first time those stairs have had any protection since they were installed. 5 years ago! They were in dire need of either paint or stain.
   As for the colour: I'm still not sold on it, although my wife likes it. Since I'm not about to change it anytime soon, it stays. I'm also glad I got it done this past weekend, since the weather is forecast to turn much cooler, with rain, and even snow, in the next 2 weeks or so. Next year, we'll tackle the front veranda/porch/deck. Whatever it's called. I am not looking forward to that chore.


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