Tuesday 3 September 2019

And Back At It

   The last week of my vacation time for the year wasn't as fruitful as I'd hoped. We did manage to make it to Regina, with the side-trip 32 km north to Lumsden (where we picked up some Mexican tiles for a future project), but that's just about it.
   We had planned on re-staining the porch/veranda/stairs, but didn't manage to knock that task off the to-do list yet. This coming weekend should be mostly sunny, so we're going to try then.
   I did manage to make some pickled garlic:

   Which did not turn out well. The process of canning them was easy, but the result, at least the jar I opened, was less than impressive. I don't know what happened, but the cloves had turned to mush inside. The jar was sealed, there's no doubt about that, and I'm hoping it was just the one jar, not all 5. I'll know when I open another one.
   I also got a little baking done, a nice French loaf we had with home-made beef soup one day, then a home-made bruschetta sort of thing the next. That at least worked out.
   So now, it's a bit of a stretch until I get any more time off. January, in fact, but I'm re-charged, and ready ti get at it again. Although truth be told, I could've used an extra week off.


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