Tuesday 24 September 2019

A Special Anniversary

   It was 20 years ago today, I had my last ever cigarette. September 24, 1999, just before we went to bed, my wife and I stubbed out our last smoke, flushed the ashes and butts down the toilet, slapped on a nicotine patch, and called it quits. I did catch my wife sneaking a smoke a few times, but she eventually quit. And we've both stayed off them.
   It was easy to quit, I'd done it at least a dozen times in the past.The hard part is staying off them. I smoked a pack and a half a day, and there used to be 25 cigarettes in a pack in Canada, for at least 26 years. And I can tell you, hand on heart, I have never cheated since. Not even one puff. Ever.
   I still have the legacy from all the years I was a heavy smoker. I have a cough which is, and I'll be honest, rather disgusting to hear. I also have restricted breathing. But that's better that COPD, which is what I thought I originally had, since I was diagnosed in 1989 with what the doctor said was early stage emphysema.
   Have I prolonged my life by quitting? Probably. Will I ever start smoking, again? No. Part of the reason is cost. A pack of smokes (in our area) runs about $15.00. Contrast that with the price back in the mid 90's of $25.00 for a carton of 8 packs (200 cigarettes), and you can figure out why.


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